Three Seaweed Strands & Five Shells (1)
The darkness of the Atlantic and the mysterious movement of the sea are captured in the deep glazes surrounding the twisted strands of seaweed and the scattered shells. One tiny upturned shell reveals its delicate pink interior.

Scituate Stones on Sand (1)
Multi-hued and patterned stones lie on the sand as a wave retreats.
![Starfish 1 [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1566055128724-HKLFGA8FPNUJG0UWGX6L/Starfish+1.1.jpg)
Starfish 1 [SOLD]
Though most starfish have five appendages, this is an imaginary form based on starfish images. With its coral-color, and six “legs” that are ribbed with a high ridge flanked by small circular forms, it is a reminder of the mysteries of the deep. It lies placidly in a pool of light blue glaze, suggestive of seawater on sand.
![Five Shells & Seaweed Impressions [Not For Sale]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1566054481161-5QLZSQF5UY82W4YJIBME/Five+Shells+%26+Seaweed+Impressions.jpg)
Five Shells & Seaweed Impressions [Not For Sale]
Translucent water reveals the hint of sea life below, where impressions of seaweed intermingle with the three dimensional forms above. Five small shells are scattered among the seaweed strands. One tiny overturned shell reveals its delicate pink interior.

Six Clams & Seaweed on Sand
The shore is strewn with seaweed strands and clam shells. The tiny upturned shells reveal their delicate pink interiors.

Eight Shells, Colors & Seaweed
Watery colors suggest other plant life within the ocean’s depths. They weave through eight shells and two seaweed strands.
![Scituate Stones Submerged (1) [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252238565-963ASSGCOKKWJLSQB76N/%235+-+Scituate+Stones+Submerged.jpg)
Scituate Stones Submerged (1) [SOLD]
Colorful stones washed by the receding sea..

Eight Shells and Seaweed (1)
The darkness of the Atlantic and the mysterious movement of the sea are captured in the deep glazes surrounding the twisted strands of seaweed and the scattered shells. Several tiny upturned shells reveal their delicate pink interiors.
![Clam Shell & Seaweed (1) [Artist's Collection-Not for Sale]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252279613-9IG7TK2YSN3ZYEAGMWLF/%239+-+Clamshell+%26+Seaweed.jpg)
Clam Shell & Seaweed (1) [Artist's Collection-Not for Sale]
Swirls of seaweed embrace a single clam shell. Feathery coral-colored seaweed touches the top of the shell as branched seaweed reaches beneath it. The movements capture the rhythm of the sea. This piece is included in The Sea Collection, but was inspired by a Georgia O’Keeffe painting.
![Three Clams & Mixed Seaweed [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252241945-0TX1BBQ0560I4W2G4LBL/%236+-+3+Clams+%26+Mixed+Seaweed.jpg)
Three Clams & Mixed Seaweed [SOLD]
Three tiny shells are strewn on a turquoise-aqua ground, surrounded by branched seaweed. One upturned shell reveals its delicate pink interior.
![Three Clams with Seaweed Strands [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252264868-CQZC13EFDUE0IPL523C8/%237+-+3+Clams+with+Seaweed+Strands.jpg)
Three Clams with Seaweed Strands [SOLD]
Three tiny clam shells lie in shimmering waters as the seaweed strands move with the current. One upturned shell reveals its delicate pink interior.
![Mussels [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252217286-WPLTZ7NDFG4UZ048RWNZ/%233+-+Mussels.jpg)
Mussels [SOLD]
Two mussel shells lie amidst the twirls and pod-forms of seaweed. The white glaze echoes the iridescence of the upturned mussel shell’s interior.

Clam Shell & Seaweed (2)
Swirls of seaweed embrace a single clam shell. Tentacles of coral-colored seaweed touch the top of the shell as branched seaweed reaches beneath it and seaweed ribbons sweep about. The movements capture the rhythm of the sea. This piece is included in The Sea Collection, but was one of two similar pieces inspired by a Georgia O’Keeffe painting.

Scituate Stones-Heart (1)
Multi-hued and patterned stones lie on the sand as sea water surrounds them.

Alabaster Shells (1)
Delicate clam shells and seaweed strands are “bathed” in an alabaster glaze, suggesting just the hint of blue water, yellow-green seaweed and pink shell interiors. The seaweed also encircles the exterior base of this tiny bowl.

![Starfish 1 [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1566055128724-HKLFGA8FPNUJG0UWGX6L/Starfish+1.1.jpg)
![Five Shells & Seaweed Impressions [Not For Sale]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1566054481161-5QLZSQF5UY82W4YJIBME/Five+Shells+%26+Seaweed+Impressions.jpg)

![Scituate Stones Submerged (1) [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252238565-963ASSGCOKKWJLSQB76N/%235+-+Scituate+Stones+Submerged.jpg)

![Clam Shell & Seaweed (1) [Artist's Collection-Not for Sale]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252279613-9IG7TK2YSN3ZYEAGMWLF/%239+-+Clamshell+%26+Seaweed.jpg)
![Three Clams & Mixed Seaweed [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252241945-0TX1BBQ0560I4W2G4LBL/%236+-+3+Clams+%26+Mixed+Seaweed.jpg)
![Three Clams with Seaweed Strands [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252264868-CQZC13EFDUE0IPL523C8/%237+-+3+Clams+with+Seaweed+Strands.jpg)
![Mussels [SOLD]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d39faad0c4c2d00019f49a1/1564252217286-WPLTZ7NDFG4UZ048RWNZ/%233+-+Mussels.jpg)